Sunday 21 April 2013

Evaluation 7

Looking back at the preliminary task, we improved significantly by improving on the storyboard and the detail of the storyboards. We realised from the preliminary to how important the storyboards are and to what extent of detail we should achieve whilst making them.

Due to the experience we had from the preliminary, we knew how time consuming filming would be and timetabled our filming days out. This enhanced on our teamwork and communication skills for the thriller opening sequence.
Editing was the most difficult process of the project, as we had to make sure all of the footage was intact, as this project was longer than the preliminary, it was far more time consuming than the preliminary.

From a technological point of view, i feel that i have learnt a verity of invaluable new skills regarding software such as iMovie,Blogger and other on line software services which will help me with future endeavours.

One problem we still had trouble with though was time management as a group because sometimes one of us was not available, so the importance of prioritising different aspects of the film is crucial a successful media project.

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