Friday 26 April 2013

Evaluation 2

Evaluation 2

In this frame we can see one of the characters which is a 17 year old teenager.
He is wearing a hoody, an earing and has headphones hanging out from inside his coat. the coat that he is wearing is a branded high fashion garment.

This would fit into the steryotype that most teenagers wear hoodies and are upto no good.
The headphone could represent the digital age and the fact that their are Apple who are well know for their iDevices, highlights that fact. This could represent that they like listening to music allot and also slightly anit-social as they block them selfs out of the world around them when they are in use.

The fact that this character is wearing such high branded clothes shows that he is consiouse about his appearance  and likes to look good. The phone that he posses is an iDevice which is the best selling smart phone also indicates

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