Friday 21 September 2012

Bone Collector


The beginning of the Bone collector starts of with a black and white picture of a man who has been murdered, and then another picture of a cop  ( Denzil Washington ), this could be because the producer want to tell a story from the pictures.
Their are lots of shots of the New York Skyline, but as its moving fast disorientating the focus of the building all that is seen is the moving lights, this could be done to emphasise the fast moving life of New York and could also be the set for the movie.

Then we see Denzil Washington walk into a tunnel at night time, going past people who are giving updates on the situation, these characters talk to him with respect, this shows that that he has superiority or dominance of these people. But he responds in an almost rude manor, of his colleges says that he will be right behind him and he responds by saying keep back until iv processed the scene.

After when he has reached to the part of the tunnel where he has to get down on his front to get into a tight space, were their is P.O.V shot which show how hard it is to maneuver is such conditions . Later in the shot he gets to a corps of a man who has been murdered( how he was murdered is still unclear which adds to the mystery), but the as he lift ups the deceased head he looks at in shock, maybe he is related to Denzil this also adds to the mystery but we don't get to gaze at his reaction for too long as a massive concrete block slab falls on him in an instant.

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