Tuesday 7 May 2013


Monday 6 May 2013


Friday 26 April 2013

Evaluation 1


Setting and location
The location is a standard SW London flat situated in Tooting.

How characters are introduced.

The opening scene consisted of a typical boys bedroom with one of the victims of a murder. The victim a teenager on the phone talking to his friend minding his own business. He introduced at the begging of the movie project. 

Camera work and editing

Using a wide shot in first killing scene , this is so we can see the doors that the victim entered and also the door that the killer came out of.

There is another point of view shot when the victim looks at the text message that he receives.

Costume and proms 

The costume of the Killer is a big black coat which is meant to make his seem huge and powerful. This effect makes the audience uneasy as to who the killer is and what its motives are.

Genre and how the opening scene suggests it . 

The genre of the film is a thriller, the opening scene help this by the movie partnering with 'Villainary productions' which obviously tells or hints to the audience what the movie will be about.

Special effects 

one special effect that we used in the opening scene project was the actual knife sound of the killing when the murder takes place. We made this sound from scratch by recoding the sound of a watermelon being stabbed by a knife, this gave us a more true to life sound of a knife entering the flesh of a human as it contains a large amount of juice that gives us the dramatic sound.

Evaluation 2

Evaluation 2

In this frame we can see one of the characters which is a 17 year old teenager.
He is wearing a hoody, an earing and has headphones hanging out from inside his coat. the coat that he is wearing is a branded high fashion garment.

This would fit into the steryotype that most teenagers wear hoodies and are upto no good.
The headphone could represent the digital age and the fact that their are Apple who are well know for their iDevices, highlights that fact. This could represent that they like listening to music allot and also slightly anit-social as they block them selfs out of the world around them when they are in use.

The fact that this character is wearing such high branded clothes shows that he is consiouse about his appearance  and likes to look good. The phone that he posses is an iDevice which is the best selling smart phone also indicates

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Evaluation 4

Who would be the audience for your media product ?

The target audience for my media product would be young people from the ages of 16-25 as they would all have a young taste for fashion such as Nike trainers, flashy watches and other branded fashion items that adult would not normally follow. They would mainly shop at mainstream clothing out lets such as JD, H&M and Topshop as they tend to sell that latest high end clothing, for example skinny jeans or slim fit jeans.

The audience would listen to R&B,hiphop and Rap type music form artist such as Emininem, beyonce, DVS. This could be because they all talk about love freedom or rebelling which is the common stereotype for young teenagers.

Their favourite TV programs would usualy be ones that involve young people as they can relate, some people in that age range would also watch an American drama such as How i met your mother and Friends as they are more comedy than anythign else.

Sunday 21 April 2013

Evaluation 6

Evaluation 6 

what my group and i have learnt about the technologies that we used to create our beginning sequence : 

The camera equipment :

The camera and equipment that we used were lent to us kindly by the college. this cosisted of a standard definition camera, a full HD camcorder and a tripod.
Both cameras used SD card as means of storage, this meant that we could easly tranpsort the data to any computer and extract it.

The editing equipment :
Computers that we used to store and process our footage were Macbook pro kindly provided by the collage aswell. What we learnt from this is that Macbooks are aswome laptop overall comapred to a Windows conterpart

The technology that we used for editing our begining sequence is iMovie, which is a stock movie editing application that is great for amature video editing and manipulation.

Online programs that we used are Blogger and youtube to help us keep an acount and log of our work and to also help us upload our footage so that it can be seen on our blogs and others around the world.